Nützliche Websites
Zuletzt aktualisiert 06/07/2021
Die unten aufgeführten Websites sind nur eine kleine Auswahl, der zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen, die es Ihnen erleichtern können, Ihre Reise zu planen. Auf unserer Seite finden Sie in den unterschiedlichen Kategorien weitere Links, die zu nützlichen Inhalten führen. Sollten Sie selbst weitere Seiten kennen, die Ihnen geholfen haben und die wir aktuell noch nicht auf unserer Seite verlinkt haben, freuen wir uns wenn Sie uns kontaktieren, damit wir die Informationen mit unseren Nutzern teilen können.
Generelle Reisetipps
- Hinweise für das Reisen während einer Schwangerschaft https://www.comparetravelinsurance.com.au/travel-insurance-tips/travel-w...
- Happy Flush organische Reisetoilettenerfrischer http://www.happyflush.com/
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: Flugreisen und Schwangerschaft https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/patients/patient-leaflets/air-travel-pregnancy
- Nomad Travel Health Specialists http://www.nomadtravel.co.uk/
- The Abroad Guide to studying and working abroad http://theabroadguide.com/about-abroad-guide/
- A guide for students living and studying in London http://www.ttischool.com/index.php?living-in-london-guide
- Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Vaccinations and travel advice) – http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel
- Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Survival guide to safe and healthy travel) http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/survival-guide
- NHS Choices : Information regarding reciprocal healthcare agreements http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcareabroad/countryguide/NonEEAcountries/Pages/Non-EEAcountries.aspx
- NHS Choices: Information regarding obtaining healthcare abroad http://www.nhs.uk/NHSENGLAND/HEALTHCAREABROAD/Pages/Healthcareabroad.aspx
- NHS advice on avoiding Deep Vein Thrombosis when travelling http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/travelhealth/Pages/PreventingDVT.aspx
- NHS general travel information - http://www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk/destinations.aspx
- European Health Insurance Card - https://www.ehic.org.uk/Internet/startApplication.do
- National Travel Health Network- source of information regarding specific destinations. Also has an advice line for healthcare professionals. http://www.nathnac.org/ds/map_world.aspx
- Medical Advisory Service for Travellers Abroad (MASTA) Network of private travel clinics around the world. Tailored vaccination advice based on your travel itinerary www.masta-travel-health.com/
- World Health Organisation General precautions for Travel health http://www.who.int/ith/precautions/en/
- Frio Uk. Cooling wallets for transporting medication http://www.friouk.com
- British Global and Travel Health Association- For heatlccare professionals who offer travel health advice http://www.bgtha.org/
- Travel Health practical advice for travel http://www.travelhealth.co.uk/
- The Department of Health Green Book- Vaccination guidelines. https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/immunisation-against-infectious-disease-the-green-book
CED und Stoma
- Crohn’s and Colitis UK http://www.crohnsandcolitis.org.uk/
- Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America www.ccfa.org
- Ileostomy Association http://www.iasupport.org/about
- The International Ostomy Association www.ostomyinternational.org
- The Colostomy Association http://www.colostomyassociation.org.uk/
- International bathroom finding website and App http://getflushd.com/
- Dansac ‘can’t wait’ toilet card and travel certificate for airport Security http://www.dansac.co.uk/default.asp?Action=Details&Item=146http://www.dansac.co.uk/default.asp?Action=Details&Item=189
- Crohn's and Colitis organisation of New Zealand http://crohnsandcolitis.org.nz/Living+with+IBD
- GI Bodyguard- IBD symptoms monitoring App developed by the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation http://www.cdhf.ca/en/staying-healthy-/details/id/36
- Jewish Digest Charity supporting the Jewish Community with IBD http://www.jewishdigest.org/
- Travel and IBD blog http://healthyglobetrotting.com/traveling-abroad-crohns-disease-part-1/
- FREE ostomy travel guide pack from AmCare http://www.amcaregroup.co.uk/holiday
Nützliche Hinweise und Videos zu CED
- http://youandibd.com/en/resources.aspx?file=downloads/patients
- Higgins IBD Research Group. IBD School videos http://www.med.umich.edu/higginslab/ibdschool.html